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Scaffold new Moddable projects

The default template creates a main.js and minimally configured manifest.json for running in the simulator.

xs-dev init my-project


The --typescript flag will create a project with Moddable types and a main.ts to get started:

xs-dev init my-typed-project --typescript

IO (ECMA 419)

The --io flag sets up the project to use the TC53 IO manifest in the generated mainfest.json:

xs-dev init my-io-project --io


The --asyncMain flag will enable top level await in your project’s entry file. In XS, TLA is only be available in imported modules by default.

xs-dev init my-io-project --asyncMain

Moddable example

For the --example flag, it can be used as a boolean to select a project from the list of available Moddable examples:

xs-dev init my-example-project --example

Or select from a filtered list of projects:

xs-dev init my-http-project --example http

Or if the complete example name is passed, it will be selected by default:

xs-dev init my-mqtt-project --example network/mqtt/mqttbasic


An existing directory matching the project name can be overwritten with the --overwrite flag:

xs-dev init my-existing-project --overwrite